
November 13, 2010

Juicy Pocket Pouches

Today was an exception to our normal routine (the only ones home were the boys and I) so my really cool boys let me sleep in and to treat them I let them do some thing they would enjoy. So when I decided to get up at 8 AM (yes, that's sleeping in for me) I immediately went to the kitchen made pancakes and gave them a juicy to drink while waiting. Anyone that knows me I do not cook first thing in the morning my husband is the first up and does all breakfast meals for the kids. Saturdays are always doughnuts with daddy so they got a real good treat today because mommy is the only one who makes pancakes and that's not too often. 

Our Saturday morning craft was  "Pocket Pouches"  from Disney Family Fun magazine and website.
 We did not have any Velcro dots to close the pouches so we are not going to use anything.
Christopher was only able to do the lacing of the ribbon and not any of the other steps because of how small the project was so it was real hard for him to want to stick around. He did get to decorate his with stickers after wards and that was a lot of fun for him. 
This craft is a good one for Grade School age kids but not Pre School age ones!

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