Ever wonder what to do with old button down shirts that you don't wear any more or clothes that are just not the right size. Well, here is my version of a total shirt transformation on a thin corduroy button down that had too short sleeves into a little girls tunic.

After shot of the front of tunic.
The Back after. It's fluffed at an angle, it was our Texas wind!
And a after close up.
Here are the Before shots and some of the begining stages of its transformation.
As you can see was a plain long sleeve button down shirt all exept for the inside lining to the buttons was in a contrasting fabric that I used for the front detail.
Want to make one your self ?
Step 1. Draw out what you want right onto the front of the shirt itself.
I used one of my favorite little girls dress patterns as a guide to draw out were I would cut in. Notice the lines extend all the way around the shirt so I would not be cutting any off the sides. I used a permenant marker to draw my lines because my fabric marker would not write on the corduroy and so they would show up in these pictures you can use something lighter if you like.
Step 2. Draw what your wanting on the back of your shirt on the back. If your lines are going to be continueus make sure that your pattern pieces aline at the sides, if not you will have a mess.
My lines from the front extend to the back and agian I used the top part to a dress pattern but this time cut it in half to give room for the gathering.
Step 3. Cut the whole thing out.
Mine was in one continueus cut all the way around.
Use the length of sleeves to cut out 2" wide binding strips.
Step 4. Pin and sew front and back shoulders together. Then pin and sew the back center seam.
If you are using the existing center button lining as contrast you will need to remove buttons and reverse the placement of the front and sew the two together.
Step 5. Gather up the front sides and pin the gathers to match up with the top and sew them together. Gather up the back center, pin to match and sew togther.
Step 6. Sew binding strips onto the neck and arms. Hem the bottom of tunic.
Voila Your Done!
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